Alex Bai, Sierra Canyon:
Hi! My name is Alex Bai, and I am a rising freshman at Sierra Canyon. Math competitions are an integral part of middle school life at my school, and MathCounts is the most prominent middle school math competition in the U.S. Every spring, my school participates in the San Fernando Valley chapter MathCounts competition. I have been actively involved with MathCounts since I was a 6th grader and have been on the school team for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. In my 6th grade year, I placed 6th overall. In my 7th grade year, I placed 2nd overall and won the countdown round. Finally, in my 8th grade year, I placed first overall and won the countdown round. On July 17th, I will be going over the structure of MathCounts and talking about how to prepare for it. I'll also be happy to answer any questions you may have about MathCounts. See you then!
Boheng Cao, North Hollywood High School:
Hi! My name is Boheng Cao, and I’m a rising freshman at North Hollywood High School with three years of experience in competition mathematics. As a middle school student, I have consistently placed in the San Fernando chapter of Mathcounts, obtaining qualification for state Mathcounts in 7th and 8th grade. In these years, I obtained the respective rankings of 7th and 2nd place amongst the hundreds of competitors present and participated in the countdown round. Over the past years, my passion for mathematics has extended beyond competitions, gradually becoming a hobby and an integral component of my life. I am looking forward to discussing the nature of the Mathcounts competition and answering questions regarding competitive mathematics on Friday, July 17. Topics covered will include the mathematical content present on the Mathcounts, recommended resources for Mathcounts training, and the structure of Mathcounts. See you at the presentation! Comments from parents:
欢迎孩子们和家长们参加今晚博恒和Alex的讲座 - Everything about MathCounts。熟悉美国数学竞赛的家长和孩子们都知道,MathCounts 可以说是美国初中最重要的数学竞赛,也是孩子们参加数学竞赛的第一个里程碑。每年春天,数学娃们都会迎来这一精彩纷呈的数学盛宴。整个比赛过程从学校选拔,到地区比赛,州赛,再到全国比赛,环环相扣,异常激烈。在比赛的设置上,分为Sprint, Target, Team, 以及最后的Count Down几个rounds。每一轮比赛考察的侧重点不尽相同。总体来说,既考察孩子们的运算速度,准确率,又考察解题能力,团队协作的精神,以及抗压抗击打能力。对孩子们来说,是非常难得的学习和锻炼的机会。
博恒和Alex都有着丰富的参加数学竞赛的经验。初中时代,他们分别代表各自的学校参加了San Fernando Valley Chapter (SFV Chapter,共有30+学校,200+通过学校选拔的孩子参加)以及南加州的州赛。在今年二月SFV Chapter的比赛中,两个孩子分别获得了个人比赛的第二和第一名,并再次取得了去参加州赛的资格(但是因为疫情,比赛被迫取消了)。
“数学竞赛要推吗? 需要报班吗?还是自己刷题就好了?用什么教材好?”
Mathcounts 已经有37年历史,是美国初中生中规模最大的一个全国性的数学竞赛,每年有超过25万孩子参加。
很多初中都有Mathcounts club, 每年十二月或者来年一月,学校选拔就开始了。