Hey CHEER, we will be having 2 college interviews in the summer! Here is the information for both of them. Be sure to invite your families and friends to come listen!
Interview A: How to prepare for UC college application? Date: June 27th at 7 PM Interviewer: Arthur Sun/Owen Ye Interviewee: Amy Chen/Trevor Trinh/Jerry Shi Meeting ID: 886 6349 3879 Passcode: welcome Click the link below to join: Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88663493879?pwd=dWlyWXVScjVFbFRlV0JVU0lpVkpBdz09 Interview B: How to build up study skills? Date: July 10 at 7 PM Interviewer: Richard Zhu/Aaron Du Interviewee: To be decided Meeting ID: 886 6349 3879 Passcode: welcome Click the link below to join: Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88663493879?pwd=dWlyWXVScjVFbFRlV0JVU0lpVkpBdz09 Also attached are the flyers for both interviews.
