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Earth Day Weekend (April 22-23)

On Earth Day (April 22) our CHEER organization teamed up with VCC to help clean up Sherman Way. Our CHEER Group cleaned up from Louise Park all the way to Balboa Blvd. This major cleanup had 350 volunteers show up. Our booth in Louise Park was attracting visitors from Noon to 3 PM. There was an amazing performance by the band "Brass Cadillac" and a free ice cream social event. Thank you to the kind young man who passed by and was so thoughtful to give out free drinks to all of our volunteers. Thank you to the dozen CHEER members that came to volunteer for the event.

The next day (Sunday, April 23) our CHEER group worked with OVERDUE to help clean the LA River. To celebrate Earth Day OVERDUE and CHEER cleaned up the LA River and afterward had a small recycled art competition. We had about a dozen volunteers and cleaned up a lot of trash from the river. The trash ranged from small bottle caps to large shopping carts. We had a new member Grace who drove from West Covina for more than an hour to join us with our cleanup. Thank you to Grace and all the other CHEER volunteers for helping out at this event.

Overall, the Earth Day weekend was a great success, and we were able to clean a variety of locations in our area. We would like to thank the amazing volunteers that spent their weekend cleaning the streets and the LA River. We would also like to thank OVERDUE and VCC for allowing us to participate in their events.

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