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Finding Common Ground and Building Bridges between Black/Chinese Communities Project

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Project background: Valley Youth Group founded with the goal to be multi-culture and across different races. Most of our activities in the last year were Chinese oriented as it was the easiest approach. It will take extra effort to reach families with different background. With the help from a couple of CSUN administrators and professores, especially with the help from Dr. Yan Searcy ( and Dr. Weimin Sun (, we launched the project to build up the communication bridge with local Africa America community in the beginning of the 2020 fall semester.

  1. First Meeting Saturday – August 22nd 11am. Event title:  Finding Common Ground and Building Bridges Format: Virtual  (Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Adobe)

Speakers:     2 community leaders from respective communities (male and female)

                                2 community members from respective communities (male and female)

                                2 community youth from respective communities (between the ages of 13-18) Name list: will post soon Each person did self introduction and we brainstormed on what we can do to increase the communication between two communities.

2. Second Meeting: 19 September 2020 See meeting notes at and in the comments. 3. Third meeting. Nov 7th, 11am

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