On October 22, 2023 SCV CHEER had our second annual potluck. We had more than seven families and 35 people in attendance. We started the potluck off with food and then presented PVSA awards to the recipients. After that we played many games like jump rope and magic. Thank you to everyone who joined us in this event and welcome all of our new families!
2022 SCV CHEER officers:
President- Albert Zheng
Director of Activities- Teresa Gu
Secretary/Treasurer- Julia Song
VP of Media/Outreach- Yimeng Yuan
VP of Design- Alice Chen
2023 SCV CHEER officers:
President- Teresa Gu
Vice President- Sophia Ren
Director of Activities- Julia Song
Secretary/Treasurer- Kate McCurley
VP of Media/Outreach- Yimeng Yuan
VP of Design- Willa Li
