Kongfu class feedback:
Here are some feedback from parents:
_Kongfu class is too cute!! _My son enjoyed the Kong Fu class. It was a good time length, he’s a beginner so it was easy for him to keep up, but I also saw improvement for the first day to the second.
_My kid enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to more classes.
_Greatest Kongfu coach!
_great teacher.
_Great class
_This is the best class of all! He actually spent the time with all student by correcting their move, amazing! The teacher is very attentive, dedicated and love what he is doing! Looking forward for more classes to come!
_It'll really nice to continue receiving Kong Fu class. 9am is perfect.
_Excellent teacher! Instructions are clear and professional. Great way to wake up the sleepyhead!
_我们valley 这么好的功夫课哪里有?我觉得不错啊,这个老师。
_ 武术课老师好准时啊!
Feedback for morning classes: _Didn’t get to attend because classes were filled up already, would have liked to do more spaces and/or classes next time would be great
_Chinese culture class is very good.
_great Chinese culture class. Teacher is very knowledgeable.
_I think all of the morning classes are perfect. They help us learn in a nice way. Its not even close to boring because they show us cartoon videos to help us learn.
_My son loves speech and debate class.
_Chinese culture class can be more interactive. But overall, it is still good.
_We attended Scratch class. She has fun in the class and has made a few games to play with! Feedback for lunch: _I think the lunch section (social class) is perfect also because they give us games and it never gets competitive in a bad way.
_He love to talk and play with other kids.
_Good job in keeping kids well entertained. Feedback for breakrooms: _My son was in the gaming session. He loved it. I would have liked for him to do some of the art classes because he plays video games all day but I couldn’t figure out how to access them.
_Wonderful social time!
_Kids had a blast in minecraft class.
_Very funny
_I like that I can play with other kids in Minecraft and in general everybody is nice to each other.
_My son love play game with others.
_Lots of fun in Minecraft! Learn a lot from the teacher! _She loves the Minecraft class too. Benjamin did a good job!
_Minecraft session is fun. Thanks for Benjamin’s time and efforts. It’s a pity Max did not attend the last two sessions due to conflicts.
_My son enjoyed it, he will continue playing with his grandfather online.
_Great!Hope they can provide activities after camp
_Chess sections are really good. They help us learn by giving puzzles. I think the chess section is perfect.
_Preferably having the same instructor leading the same breakout rooms each day. For the beginner class, explaining the thinking behind moves or tactics were more helpful than solely inquiring about learners' input. I would suggest future instructors to call on different learners so all kids get an equal chance to speak and participate. Overall, it was well run. Instructors kept my daughter engaged.
Other Feedback:
_'Really great classes today. All teachers had soooo much patience! My daughter loved the chess today especially. Thanks!'
_My son’s comment on Jerry’s mental math, “ I like it very much! And I feel it’s too short!” Thank you Jerry!
"He loves chess class, and learnt some that he didn’t know. He was happy! That’s what he said. "
还有mental math, 我做家长的特别喜欢[Grin]同样的计算方法我以前教给她当耳旁风就过去了,啥也没学会,结果今天跟小老师学就特别认真,也认真做练习,以后应该不会忘了[Peace]"
_Thanks for Owen’s patience. Max likes the coding class.
_ From art section TA, who is brand new to youth group: "Karen said she teamed up with Olivia very good, Olivia is very clear and specific with the job she needs Karen to do, and she gives opportunities to Karen to teach the class. Sounds like excellent matched pair."