Date: 7/10/2021
Time: 10:00 am (meeting will probably be around 15-45 minutes, idk)
Host: Gianna Zhang
Discuss and new project ideas:
Anyone can present new project idea/ideas they may have
Discuss interview with Professor Chow + any new questions for interview (Albert and Aaron).
We could discuss any new questions anyone has submitted through the google form. The interview will take place Sunday, July 11, from 3 to 4 pm
Library project update + any new information about book donations:
Anyone can present any information they have researched or found.
Any new information about partnering with local libraries (contacting local libraries through phone or email)?
Any new information about foreign language book donations/ library policies for donating foreign language books?
Any new updates about the organizations other than the Chinese Library organization that we were going to interview (Syrian Refugee Organization)?
Olivia: in charge of making a flier for foreign book donations
Discuss the smaller project, decide on what class we will teach, who will teach, and the date and times:
Potential classes we could teach: History (World War II, Video game history), Science (Marine Biology), Human body, Science experiments, etc.
→ Benjamin, Albert, Zydon (both history classes)
→ Olivia and Gianna (Human body)
→ Aaron (Science Experiments, ideas: )
Anyone can present new class ideas they may have.
Time: still undecided
4-6 graders
Discuss food waste reduction project (Olivia):
Any new information anyone has found
Any progress?