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Weekend Night Zoom Events (from past website)

Writer's picture: oweny2004oweny2004

Most of our middle/high school students events are hosted at weekend night. We offer community service hours for student who involve in these activitis.  ​Please fill: Weekend Event Form For Host: Interview Guideline ​Zoom meeting ID will be announced in "Youth Education WeChat group(北岭青少年教育讨论群, wechat contact: ThaliaLA )". Please join the group for any last minute notice. 

Incoming Weekend Activities Mid/High Schools in Our Neighborhood  High School Series will be hosted on Aug 1st and Aug 8th, Saturdays.  High School Series Panel 1:  Time: Saturday Aug 1st, 7:30 PM  Presenters Katie Luo (West Ranch High School); Aaron Du(Kennedy High School); Reina Ikeda(Cleveland Charter High School) Host: Richard Zhu (North Hollywood HS HGM) --------------------------------------------- High School Series Panel 2:  Time: Saturday Aug 8th, 7:30 PM  High School: Granada Hill High Presenters Arthur Sun (In General, MUN, Science Club);  Aaron Eliis (Tennis Club) And More Host: Richard Zhu (North Hollywood HS HGM) Sunday Aug 2nd 7:30pm  Young Teachers Experience Sharing Session Guest: CSUN Science Professor Ye Li  Host: Jerry 

Passed Event: Mid/High Schools in Our Neighborhood  Student Discussion: about our middle schools: curriculum, school clubs, after school activities, competitions, etc. Middle Schools Coverage: Science Academy Middle &  Walter Reed Middle &  Nobel Middle & Rancho Pico Junior High  Time: Sunday June 28th, 7:30 pm  Coordinator: ​Richard Zhu: freshman at North Hollywood High School ​ ​​ Presenters: students from 4 middle schools  Boheng Cao, 8th grader at Science Academy STEM Magnet Teresa Gu:  Rancho Pico Junior High Angela Yang: Walter Reed IHP Benjamin Sun/Gianna Zhang:  Nobel Middle coming 8th​​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------​ Middle Schools Coverage: Sierra Canyon; Creekside;  Portola HGM; Lawrence Middle Time: Sunday 5th, 7:30 pm  Presenters: students from 4 middle schools Alex Bai - Sierra Canyon Heidi Yue - Creekside Olivia Zhao - Portola HGM, Arthur Sun- Lawrence Middle ​​ Coordinator: ​Richard Zhu: freshman at North Hollywood High School ​ ​​

Passed Events Saturday Lecture: Topic:  All About Rubik's Cube Presenter: Aaron Du  (In Chinese) Note keeper: Aaron Eliis  TimeJuly 25th 2pm Saturday  Target at health club seniors and ​open to general public. --------------------------------------------------- Friday Student Presentation TopicEverything about MathCounts TimeJuly 17th, 7:30pm Presenter: Alex Bai, Sierra Canyon  Boheng Cao, North Hollywood High School  Hi! My name is Alex Bai, and I am a rising freshman at Sierra Canyon. Math competitions are an integral part of middle school life at my school, and MathCounts is the most prominent middle school math competition in the U.S. Every spring, my school participates in the San Fernando Valley chapter MathCounts competition. I have been actively involved with MathCounts since I was a 6th grader and have been on the school team for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. In my 6th grade year, I placed 6th overall. In my 7th grade year, I placed 2nd overall and won the countdown round. Finally, in my 8th grade year, I placed first overall and won the countdown round. On July 17th, I will be going over the structure of MathCounts and talking about how to prepare for it. I'll also be happy to answer any questions you may have about MathCounts. See you then!​ Hi! My name is Boheng Cao, and I’m a rising freshman at North Hollywood High School with three years of experience in competition mathematics. As a middle school student, I have consistently placed in the San Fernando chapter of Mathcounts, obtaining qualification for state Mathcounts in 7th and 8th grade. In these years, I obtained the respective rankings of 7th and 2nd place amongst the hundreds of competitors present and participated in the countdown round. Over the past years, my passion for mathematics has extended beyond competitions, gradually becoming a hobby and an integral component of my life. I am looking forward to discussing the nature of the Mathcounts competition and answering questions regarding competitive mathematics on Friday, July 17. Topics covered will include the mathematical content present on the Mathcounts, recommended resources for Mathcounts training, and the structure of Mathcounts. See you at the presentation! Comments from parents 欢迎孩子们和家长们参加今晚博恒和Alex的讲座 - Everything about MathCounts。熟悉美国数学竞赛的家长和孩子们都知道,MathCounts 可以说是美国初中最重要的数学竞赛,也是孩子们参加数学竞赛的第一个里程碑。每年春天,数学娃们都会迎来这一精彩纷呈的数学盛宴。整个比赛过程从学校选拔,到地区比赛,州赛,再到全国比赛,环环相扣,异常激烈。在比赛的设置上,分为Sprint, Target, Team, 以及最后的Count Down几个rounds。每一轮比赛考察的侧重点不尽相同。总体来说,既考察孩子们的运算速度,准确率,又考察解题能力,团队协作的精神,以及抗压抗击打能力。对孩子们来说,是非常难得的学习和锻炼的机会。 博恒和Alex都有着丰富的参加数学竞赛的经验。初中时代,他们分别代表各自的学校参加了San Fernando Valley Chapter (SFV Chapter,共有30+学校,200+通过学校选拔的孩子参加)以及南加州的州赛。在今年二月SFV Chapter的比赛中,两个孩子分别获得了个人比赛的第二和第一名,并再次取得了去参加州赛的资格(但是因为疫情,比赛被迫取消了)。 现在两个孩子马上要升入高中。虽然要带着遗憾告别为之努力多年的MathCounts,但是他们一直以来养成的学习数学的热情不会改变。暑假期间,他们精心准备了本期讲座,与学弟学妹们以及家长们分享。讲座内容包括MathCounts的历史渊源,赛程设置,如何准备,考试要点等,还穿插以历年MathCoutns真题。欢迎大家踊跃参与! 经常有中国家长讨论: “在美国搞数学竞赛有用吗?美国有多少种数学竞赛啊?数学竞赛几岁开始合适?初中怎么入门数学竞赛呢?” “数学竞赛要推吗? 需要报班吗?还是自己刷题就好了?用什么教材好?” 且听两个孩子明天一一道来: Mathcounts 已经有37年历史,是美国初中生中规模最大的一个全国性的数学竞赛,每年有超过25万孩子参加。 由美国工程师协会出题,风格偏实用,最讲究速度。 很多初中都有Mathcounts club, 每年十二月或者来年一月,学校选拔就开始了。 全国比赛口试部分在ESPN上现场直播,学生速度之快,引起全场一片惊呼。 看看Obama和Mathcounts全国获奖者的照片,就知道我们亚裔数学有多厉害! 欢迎孩子,家长们都来听,多提问!愿越来越多的孩子们更喜欢数学! ------------------------------------------------- Satuday Family Friendly Community Event Mosquitoes in the San Fernando Valley (English and Chinese  ) TimeJuly 18thSaturday 3:00pm Pacific Time (US and Canada)Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 864 2543 9045 Password: welcome By: Diana Gutierrez (English) Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District Community Liaison ------------------------------------------------- Sunday Interview with Jennifer Yu (Harvard accepted ) TimeJuly 19thSunday 9:00 AM Jennifer Yu is an American chess player. She was awarded the title Woman Grandmaster by FIDE in 2018. Yu is the 2019 U.S. women's champion. See more detail at Host: Aaron Du , incoming sophomore at  John F. Kennedy High School ​Angela Yang, incoming freshman in Granada Hill High --------------------------------------------------- ​FRIDAY Zoom Teachers Experience Sharing July 10th, Friday, 7 pm  All our current  zoom classes teachers (high/middle students) will share experience on teaching over zoom.  Host: Angela Yang Special Guest: Ye Li, CSUN professor who specialized at Chemistry Teacher training --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday Student Presentation / Workshop: Topic: Brain Machine Interface with Breakthrough Challenge 2020 Youtube Link: TimeJuly 12th, Sunday 7:30pm Presenter: Kathryn Luo, 11th High school Student  Hosts: ​Benjamin Sun, coming 8th grader Shanlin Qian,  sophomore at Westlake High School Presenter My name is Katie Luo, and I am a rising senior at West Ranch high school. I have been actively involved in many volunteer works, such as the American Red Cross, Henry Mayo Hospital and I founded the Million Little Club at my school. For the coming year, I will be the president of American RedCross Executive Board of Santa Clarita Valley. I am also the president of Million Little Club, which is an organized group of students who aid Million Little organization in connecting and empowering youth in vulnerable circumstances.  Recently, I joined 2020 Khan Academy Junior Breakthrough Challenge which is a science and mathematics video competition for high schoolers. I made my video about brain-machine interfaces which are devices that convert neural information into computer input to control external devices like robots.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05/31 Sunday 7:30 PM PST  ​Summer Student Discussion: club experience in our high schools Time: Saturday June 20th, 7:30 pm  Presenters:  Aaron Du: freshman at  John F. Kennedy High School Richard Zhu: freshman at North Hollywood High School ​ ​Angela Zhang:  junior & artivist at Geffen Academy at UCLA  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interview with Annika Brook-Wang , future illustration major student Interviewee:  My name is Annika Brook-Wang, I’ve been going to Glendora High School, but starting this coming school year I will be attending the Rhode Island School of Design as an illustration major. ​Interviewer: Olivia Zhao: My name is Olivia Zhao, I am going to 8th grade at Portola Highly Gifted magnet. I love art, reading, and also do activities such as piano and debate. I am a part of sfvcca and also CACAYC. I love helping others and getting involved with the community as well!  Gianna Zhang: My name is Gianna Zhang, next school year I will be going to 8the grade at Nobel Charter Middle School. I’m in the school band and I play the flute. I also have played piano for many years. I love volunteering when I can and am always looking for different opportunities. This is my first interview and I hope it goes well. ------------------------------------------------- Past Interview List:  06/07 Sunday 7:30 PM PST  Interview panel ​ ​Interviewee:  Isabel Zheng and Angelina Ciuffo Isabel Zheng was accepted by College of letters and science (LAS) in UC Berkely.  Angelina Ciuffo was accepted into UC Irvine She will be pursuing Computer Science in the fall of 2020.  ​Interviewer Albert Zheng From Albert: I am a member of CACAYC and a friend of Benjamin sun from the AMC 7 class ---------------------------------​ 05/24 Sunday 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST) Interview panel with MIT admitted students who lives in NJ Interviewee:  Frank Wang and Jessica Wu From Frank: Hi, I'm Frank Wang, and I go to Montgomery high school in Skillman, NJ. I will be attending MIT next year. In high school, I was very involved in competition math, and participated in competitions such as USAMO, HMMT, ARML, and PUMaC. Last year, I also participated in the PRIMES-USA research program, where I did research in representation theory. Outside of math, I did FIRST robotics and piano throughout high school. Jessica Wu is a graduating senior of the class of 2020 from Highland Park High School, NJ. She is admitted to both Caltech's and MIT's class of 2024 and will be attending MIT next year, majoring in electrical engineering and computer science. In high school, she was the president of her Mathletes club and robotics club. And some of her other hobbies include playing soccer and painting. ​InterviewerArthur Sun, 10th Grader in Granada Hill High ---------------------------------​ 04/26 Sunday 6:00 PM Interview panel with medical school students Interviewee: Alice Yu, 2nd Year UCLA medical school student (Penn Graduate) and Kevin Chen, 1st Year UCLA medical school student (Harvard Graduate) Interviewer Richard Zhu, freshman at North Hollywood High School ​and Cindy Xie, senior at North Hollywood High School ________________________ May 3nd, Sunday 6:00 PM ​Interview panel: "Passion Beyond Admission Interviewee Sarah Tran, Rising First-Year at UPenn Wharton Misk Khalif, Rising First-Year at Harvard College Interviewer Angela Zhang, junior & artivist at Geffen Academy at UCLA --------------------------------- ​04/19 Sunday 7:30 Interview panel with 12th Grader Interviewee: Justin Zheng, senior at Taft High School, ED in Bowdoin Liberal Arts College; Joyce, senior at Ridgefield High School, accepted into UCB, UCLA, UCI, UCSB, UCSD, Tufts, Amherst Interviewer Boheng Cao, 8th grader at Science Academy STEM Magnet ​--------------------------------- ​04/12 Sunday 7:30 Interview panel with 12th Grader Interviewee: David Yang and Jade Chen, who both are in their first year of college after graduating from Granada Hills Charter high school. Interviewer Shanlin Qian,  sophomore at Westlake High School --------------------------------- ​04/05 Sunday 7:30  Interview panel with Andie Liu and Joey Li  Andie Liu, 12th grader who is admitted into UCB, English Major. She will share her application experience.  Joey Li, 12 grader in GHH, has been admitted to EECS UCB, one of the toughest major in UCB.  Interviewer: Arthur Sun, 10th grader --------------------------------- 03/29 Sunday 7:30 Interview with Emily Jin Emily Jin, senior at North Hollywood High School, ED Stanford University Interviewer: Richard Zhu, freshman at North Hollywood High School --------------------------------- ​Interview with Don Sun DATE / TIME: March 22nd, Sunday 7:30pm.  INTERVIEWEE: Don Sun, UCB EECS and Economics, Class of 2018.  Newtown High School, 2014. Software Engineer at DMAI.  INTERVIEWER: Leia Ray, 8th Grade Student --------------------------------- Discussion Panel with Connor Ghirardo, Eyasu Kebede and Jenelle Garcia DATE / TIME: 0323 Monday 7:00pm.  Guest Speakers: Connor Ghirardo, 3M Engineer,  ME Bachelor, Stanford, 2019.  Eyasu Kebede: Bio Consultant. Graduate from Stanford,  HumBio Major, Pre-Med.   Jenelle Garcia: Neuro ICU nurse in UCLA, graduate from Biola University.  View Collected Questions Here Workshops / Lectures  Interview with Dr Li Bingbing  ​Time: 3pm June 11th Professor LI: Interviewer: Ding Yi  Mrs Ding: ​--------------------------------------------------------- 05/23, Saturday, ​周六早晨,Saturday morning 9am, 金彗星老师家长答疑会,关于暑期中文文化课的安排 千橡中文学校 9B 班 05/24 Sunday 周日下午, Sunday 2pm, 林锋老师介绍暑期千橡数学课的安排,家长答疑,并介绍个人近年数学课教授过程中的各种经验分享。希望家长鼓励高中生过来参加。 --------------------------------- ​May 9th, Saturday 7:30 pm How to make a Chiffon Cake Host: Angelique Guan, 8th Grader 04/25/2020 Saturday 7:30 PM --------------------------------- "How do I make a cloth face mask Zoom event by: Angelina, 2nd grader in Sierra Canyon  Ariana, 8th grader in St. Nicholas School ​04/04 Saturday 7:30  Interview with Wu Jun  LAUSD ​High School Teacher, Dr. Wu Jun has a lot to share. Please let her know what is your interest.  --------------------------------- 04/11 Saturday 7:30  Corona-virus education lecture, Pesented by Arthur Sun (10th grader in GHH) and Benjamin Sun (8th in Nobel) ​ --------------------------------- 04/18 Saturday, 7:00 ​SFV Neighborhood and Tzu Chi Foundation Fundraising for US summary and report (highlight section)

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