Date: October 16, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
The CYI and CHEER Fall 2021 Speech class kicked off with its first zoom meeting on saturday! 23 participants joined us for this great educational opportunity! First, we had introductions regarding each mentor and student. A brief course outline was presented to us and we spent time with our mentors to work on our first speech! This was an amazing opportunity to practice our public speaking skills with our wonderful mentors. They gave us tips on our speeches such as enthusiasm, non-verbal communication, eye contact, volume level, and more. In the end, they gave us our first assignment which was to come up with an anecdotal speech on a personal past experience.
The diverse audience consisted of elementary, middle, and high schoolers! Each group had 5 to 6 students and 2 mentors to guide them through public speaking skills.
Overall, the first meeting was great and CHEER worked with the CYI mentors to provide an amazing experience to all of the students! Also, CHEER and the CYI mentors will be providing homework help sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! If you need extra help on the CYI homework, then please come join us!